The SHOES-n-FEET Guide to Winter Fitness

The SHOES-n-FEET Guide to Winter Fitness

Posted by JB Smith, Co-Owner on

Winter Fitness Series - SHOES-n-FEET

Is your New Year's resolution to start living a healthier lifestyle? Want to exercise more? Why wait until spring - we've got the info you need to stay on track throughout the winter months. Check out our 3-part series on safe and healthy winter exercise, here in its entirety.

Winter Fitness Part 1: What to Do For Exercise in a Winter Wonderland

Oh, winter, why so cold? Don’t you know that low temperatures, rain and snow make some of us want to hide away indoors, glued to a roaring fire? For some of us, staying active in winter is a struggle. Freezing mornings, lots of rain and short days give us enough reasons to put off exercise for later days. But placing your fitness routine on pause until spring isn’t the right idea. Leave the hibernating to the bears! There are ways to be active during winter, keeping you healthy all year long (and reducing any guilt that comes from eating that extra gingerbread cookie!).

Winter Fitness Part 2: Tips To Be a Safe and Comfortable Winter Runner

Running outside during the winter might seem like a less-than-ideal option for cold weather exercise, but you don’t need to be a running diehard to brave the lower temps. In fact, working out in the cold can be a very beneficial activity for all kinds of people, as the cold weather forces your muscles to work harder. This means you’re burning more calories than with the same exercise during warm months. But if you do decide to continue running outside as the temperatures drop, there are some important things to keep in mind to maintain your safety and keep you healthy.

Winter Fitness Part 3: Proper Nutrition for a Healthy Workout

You’re on your way to a perfect winter exercise plan: you got the gear, the motivation and a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to choose from. During wintry weather, your body temperature drops and you begin to shiver. Burn more calories helps keep your temperature up. Working out in the cold can increase your metabolism enormously – up to 10 times its resting level! Proper nutrition will keep your body warm and provide you with the energy to get your muscles moving so that you can reap the benefits of your workout. What can you do to make sure your body is on board? Make sure you know the rules to good winter nutrition.


Photo Montage by SHOES-n-FEET
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